Municipal Solid Waste and Waste Management PPP Toolkits
Photo Credit: Image by Maurice Angres from Pixabay
Public private partnership toolkits are a collection of resources for policymakers and other parties interested in developing and evaluating PPP infrastructure projects. While the World Bank does not provide best practices, these toolkits provide sector-specific checklists, sample documents and other resources for creating successful partnerships. For additional resources related to Public Private Partnerships for waste management and waste removal infrastructure, please browse the links in this section: World Bank Toolkit Private Sector Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Management A key work on PPPs in municipal solid waste is the World Bank Toolkit Private Sector Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Management: Guidance Pack (5 Volumes). S. Cointreau, P. Gopalan, and A. Coad. SKAT, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2000. This has annexed to it a number of sample contracts from publicly available precedents in the solid waste sector in relation to waste collection and waste disposal (see below). Solid Waste Management Toolkits - India Municipal solid waste - Toolkit for PPP in MSWM developed by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance (DEA) and Minsitry of Urban Development (MoUD) with the support of the GOI ADB PPP Initiative. The toolkit includes model bid documents with a) Request for Qualification (RFQ), b) Request for Proposal (RFP), c) Project Information Memorandum (PIM) and d) Term Sheets for 5 PPP models including; (i) Integrated MSWM (ii) BOT (build operate and transfer) agreement for Waste Processing and Disposal System, (iii) BOT for Waste Processing; (iv) Collection, transportation and disposal, and (v) BOT for Mechanized Refuse Transfer Station. A financial model for analysing integrated solid waste management system is being submitted along with the toolkit. Toolkit for Solid Waste Management - Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Ministry of Urban Development Government of India, November 2012. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) is a reform driven infrastructure improvement programme that aims to create economically productive, efficient, equitable and responsive cities. Solid Waste Sample Bidding Documents - South Australia Local Government Association of South Australia has developed this toolkit to help local government develop some consistency in approach and tendering of solid waste projects. Local Government waste management is becoming increasingly complex necessitating the management of a diversity of systems. In responding to this complexity, there is a need for more comprehensive contractual arrangements with service providers. Contractual arrangements not only relate to the actual collection system, but also reporting requirements to meet statutory and funding obligations from State Government. Toolkit includes model contracts and bidding documents. Further Reading Explore the Municipal Public-Private Partnership Framework, a tool developed specifically for local governments to help them understand and implement PPPs, keeping in mind their characteristics, needs and challenges. The Framework is inspired by best practices from PPPs around the world adjusted to be most relevant for municipal PPP, easy to use, practical and better aligned to the capacities and capabilities of local government.
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