Legislation and Laws - General and Sector Specific
Photo Credit: Image by Benjamin Thomas from Pixabay
The Legal Framework Assessment provides a summary of key areas of a host country's existing laws that will need to be reviewed when a government embarks on an infrastructure project, particularly one involving the private sector. Below are summaries and samples of legislation/ specific legislative provisions relevant to infrastructure PPP projects, together with links to legislation that has been enacted in different countries and different sectors to promote private sector involvement in infrastructure PPP projects. It is not an exhaustive set of samples. For further assistance, please contact ppp@worldbank.org.General Legislation
Sector Specific Legislation
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KeywordsLegal Framework/ Enabling Environment Assessment for PPPs
Type of ResourceLegislation and Laws - General and Sector Specific
Type of ResourceRegulation of Sectors and Regulatory Issues Impacting PPPs
PPP Units Around the World
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Additional Resources
World Bank Guidance on PPP Legal Frameworks
Select WBG PPP Toolkits
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