Legislation and Laws - General and Sector Specific

The Legal Framework Assessment provides a summary of key areas of a host country's existing laws that will need to be reviewed when a government embarks on an infrastructure project, particularly one involving the private sector.

Below are summaries and samples of legislation/ specific legislative provisions relevant to infrastructure PPP projects, together with links to legislation that has been enacted in different countries and different sectors to promote private sector involvement in infrastructure PPP projects. It is not an exhaustive set of samples. For further assistance, please contact ppp@worldbank.org.

General Legislation

Sector Specific Legislation


Public-Private Partnerships Laws / Concession Laws While guidance and examples can be useful, each PPP/ concession law needs careful drafting to be consistent with the… more
Privatization Laws Privatization is a transaction or series of transactions by which governments sell off all or part of an interest in a… more
Empresas Mixtas
Examples Legal Frameworks for / Examples of Empresas MixtasBelow is a list of laws that present the legal framework for… more
Insolvency Laws When contemplating any form of financing of infrastructure project, the host country’s insolvency laws will need to be… more
Anti-corruption and Freedom of Information…
Anti-Corruption LegislationOECD Legal Instruments on Corruption PreventionUS – Foreign Corrupt Practices… more
Procurement Laws Most countries have public procurement laws that set out the rules and processes to be followed for all forms of public… more
Theft / Non-Technical Losses (Water and… Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in successfully operating a PPP related to utility services is to effectively… more
Energy Laws and Regulations Find documents and links to Energy/ Power sector reform, laws and regulation in this section of the PPPLRC.
General Telecommunications Framework (by Country)
East Asia and PacificAustraliaGeneral Telecommunication FrameworkAustralia Telecommunications Act 1997 -  the… more
Water Sector Regulation When seeking to involve the private-sector in water and sanitation infrastructure projects, a host country's legal… more
Transport Policies Laws and International… Public-private partnerships (PPPs) in transport, whether roads, railways, light rail, buses, ports or airports, require… more