
Toolkits for Public-Private Partnerships

The World Bank, as well as other organizations, has developed a number of toolkits related to evaluating and creating public private infrastructure partnerships. These toolkits gather together checklists, guidelines and resources for different types of projects.

This site gathers and organizes PPP toolkits for easy access by interested parties.

Select WBG PPP Toolkits
Bridging the infrastructure gap is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To help governments make… more
Energy & Power PPP Toolkits
In this section, you'll find links to toolkits for evaluating and setting up public-private partnerships for power and… more
Water & Sanitation PPP Toolkits
Listed below is a number of toolkits that comprises contracts, leases, affermages, concessions, divestitures relevant… more
Transportation PPP Toolkits
General Transport Toolkit for Legislators PPP for transportation: Toolkit for Legislators - This toolkit provides… more
Municipal Solid Waste and Waste Management PPP…
Public private partnership toolkits are a collection of resources for policymakers and other parties interested in… more
Climate Change Toolkits These toolkits provide sector-specific checklists, sample documents and other resources for creating successful… more
UNDP - Toolkit for Pro-Poor Municipal PPPs
Toolkit for Pro-Poor Municipal PPPs, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), available in English, French and Spanish… more
Gender PPP Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to help governments and upstream advisors, PPP practitioners, multilateral development… more
Other PPP Toolkits
Concession Toolkit Concession Toolkits  This report aims at helping policymakers and their advisers to better… more