Procurement Processes and Bidding Documents
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Where PPP projects involve funding from the World Bank, then the World Bank Procurement Guidelines and Procedures will apply. This section also includes useful template bidding documents. Most of the international finance institutions (IFI) have similar guidelines for procurement for projects to which they are providing funding. For guidelines for various IFIs, click on ADB Procurement Guidelines, EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules, IDB Procurement Policies and Procedures. Where PPP projects involve private financing only, a number of countries and PPP units within those countries have developed standard form procurement procedures and guidelines for PPP projects, which take into account local applicable procurement law. This is in recognition of the complexity surrounding PPP projects involving project finance in particular. For examples of different procurement laws/ regimes see Procurement Laws. Go to chapter 4 (p.106) of the World Bank Concession Toolkit for a description of the main types of procurement processes available for PPP projects involving private financing only and issues awarding authorities to consider. The report Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships flags potential improvements that can help governments fill the gap in an effort to provide better PPP procurement and enable better infrastructure service delivery to all while the Discussion Paper Bidding for Private Concessions - The Use of World Bank Guarantees (pdf) provides guidance on issues that need to be considered before and during the bidding process. Find other helpful resources in: The World Bank Procurement Regulation for IPF Borrowers - the Annex XIV of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers outlines the requirements to be met by Borrowers in selecting the private partner in public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements financed by the Bank. Energy - draft bidding documents prepared for World Bank by International Law Firm for country in South East Asia for Power Generation Projects (Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)): The World Bank Standard Procurement Documents (SPD): Plant: Design, Build and Operate (Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants)- these documents can be customized for other sectors such as power, infrastructure: Canada Draft Guidelines and Bidding Documents
Examples of Project Bidding Documents
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PPP Arrangements/Types of PPP Agreements
Page Specific Disclaimer*Note: Although the key features of each category are summarized, there is overlap between the categories and the name given to a particular agreement may not reflect this classic categorization. Care should also be taken to identify whether a specific classification is enshrined in the laws of the host country, as in the case of many civil law jurisdictions where there are strict definitions of "concessions" and "affermages". The sample agreements included in this section are not the full range of agreements associated with infrastructure projects. They agreements are NOT intended to be used as "models". Legal advice should be sought in the preparation and drafting of an agreement to ensure that it is appropriate and workable in the circumstances of a particular project, sector and country. Find Terms and Conditions of this website here.
KeywordsUtility Restructuring Corporatization Decentralization Performance Contracts
Civil Works and Service Contracts
Management/Operation and Maintenance Contracts
Leases and Affermage Contracts
Concessions Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Projects
Joint Ventures / Government Shareholding in Project Company
Full Divestiture / Privatization
Contract Plans / Performance Contracts
Standardized Agreements, Bidding Documents and Guidance Manuals