Standardized Agreements, Bidding Documents and Guidance Manuals

There has been a long tradition of the use of standardized agreements for the procurement of goods and services for traditional public works projects and many international financial institutions including the World Bank require the use of standard bidding documents for the projects that they fund. The use of standardized contracts for complex public-private partnership (PPP) transactions is less common and to date international financial institutions have not produced standardized agreements for PPP transactions.

On the national level many countries have developed model bidding documents, model contracts or key contract clauses, along with guidance manuals. This includes a number of jurisdictions with extensive PPP programs such as the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa. Standardized agreements are also increasingly used for specific sectors to reduce the costs for each single contract. Other countries incorporate some standardized elements in overall legislation to govern all PPP contracts.

Set out below are links to examples of standardized PPP agreements, PPP contract clauses, bidding documents and guidance manuals that were developed on the national and international level. 



Further Reading

The examples of standardized PPP Contracts and Contract Clauses listed in the PPP reference Guide - Examples of Standardized PPP Contracts and Contract Clauses provide further examples.


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