This Guidance is intended for governments who wish to include public-private partnerships in their toolkit of methods… more
The reference tool is a guide that builds on global research into projects and the lessons that can be learned from… more
The Legislative Guide and the Model Legislative Provisions cover the main issues relevant to the establishment of a… more
The complexity of public-private partnership (PPP) transactions frequently means… more
The checklist should also be useful in identifying areas which have not been addressed or require further attention.… more
General: A benchmarking period enables the operator to establish, with the participation of the awarding authority, the… more
Find more related materials at PPP Checklist and Risk Matrix Tracking Number:… more
Introduction It is common for contractors to request the inclusion of an exclusive remedies clause in a contract.… more
When reviewing or drafting an agreement, it is important to take a careful look at the dispute resolution clause. This… more
Can the awarding authority be sued or does it have sovereign immunity? If the awarding authority is part of the… more