Sample Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) PPP Agreements
Photo Credit: Image by netkids from Pixabay
Public private partnerships in municipal solid waste require various agreements, or contracts, to outline the relationships and responsibilities between various stake holders. The agreements below are specific to the solid waste sector. For a general description of the range of public-private partnership forms, please see the Agreements section.
Sample Municipal Solid Waste Agreements
The World Bank has developed a number of sample contracts for client countries for municipal solid waste collection, which are performance based and focused on outputs, which have been sanitized and summarized below:
- Contract for street sweeping and collection (prepared in French for country in Francophone country in North Africa)
- Contract for street sweeping and collection (and for operation of transfer stations and long distance transportation) (prepared in English for country in North Africa)
There are also a number of sample or model contracts in the public domain that have been developed around the world, a selection of which are set out below:
- South Australia - Local Government Association of South Australia – model contracts for waste collection
- Senegal - For small communities in Senegal – USAAID guide (PDF) - includes affermage contract between the Town Hall (mairie) and the comité de salubrité (in French)
- United Kingdom - Standard Form Contract for Waste Collection developed by Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM).
- Morocco - Sample delegated management contract and request for proposal for waste collection and street sweeping
Waste collection agreements annexed to the Guidance Pack (referred to above):
- USA - Model Contract Documents for Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal (PDF), Technical Bulletin # 85-7, November 1985, Solid Waste Association of North America
- USA - Restated Agreement between the City of Sunnyvale and Bay Counties Waste Services, Inc. for waste collection (PDF)
- Ghana - Sample contract or franchise agreement for sweeping or waste collection (PDF)
- St. Lucia - Solid waste collection (PDF)
The World Bank has developed a number of sample contracts for client countries for sanitary landfill design construction and operation (and financing), which have been sanitized and summarized below:
- Design Build Operate (DBO) Contract for sanitary landfill (prepared in French for Francophone countries in North Africa)
- DBO Contract for sanitary landfill (EN) and bidding documents using World Bank procedures) for sanitary landfill and solid waste facility (on World Bank procurement site)
There are a number of sample or model contracts in the public domain that have been developed around the world, a selection of which are set out below:
- Municipal solid waste Toolkit for PPP in MSWM developed by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance (DEA) and Minsitry of Urban Development (MoUD) with the support of the GOI ADB PPP Initiative - The toolkit includes model bid documents with a) Request for Qualification (RFQ), b) Request for Proposal (RFP), c) Project Information Memorandum (PIM) and d) Term Sheets for 5 PPP models including; (i) Integrated MSWM (ii) BOT (build operate and transfer) agreement for Waste Processing and Disposal System, (iii) BOT for Waste Processing; (iv) Collection, transportation and disposal, and (v) BOT for Mechanized Refuse Transfer Station. A financial model for analysing integrated solid waste management system is being submitted along with the toolkit.
- Kerala government - request for proposal and draft agreement for sanitary landfill BOT
- State of Odisha, Solid Waste Management Project in the City of Berhampur - Request for Proposal RFP), March 2013 - The RFP contains a draft concession agreement between the BMC and Concessionaire. The Concessionaire is responsible for collection and transportation of waste, development of a segregation line and composting facility, a greenfield sanitary landfill and the decommissioning of the existing dumpsite during a concession period of 20 years. The municipality retains responsibility for certain processes, such as street sweeping, grass/bush cutting and drain cleaning. Operations are expected to benefit over 350,000 people, including approximately 100,000 in low-income areas.
- Design Build Operate (DBO) contract, request for proposal and request for qualifications for sanitary landfill
- Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) contract, request for proposal and request for qualifications for sanitary landfill
United Kingdom
- Residual Waste Treatment Contract developed by the Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP).
Here are waste disposal agreements annexed to the Guidance Pack (referred to above):
United States:
Agreement for use and support of a Solid Waste Disposal System, Charles City County, Virginia
Engineering Services Agreement for Design and Construction Inspection, Delaware
St. Lucia
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Sub-national and Municipal PPPs
Type of ResourceMunicipal Public-Private Partnership Framework
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