Other PPP Toolkits

Bridging the infrastructure gap is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To help governments make informed decisions about improving the access and quality of infrastructure services, including the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) as one delivery option, a series of tools to help governments have been developed: 

Concession Toolkit

Concession Toolkits 

This report aims at helping policymakers and their advisers to better understand some of the most important and difficult issues related to the design, award, implementation, monitoring, and modification of concessions.

Country Specific or Regional PPP Toolkits

Public Private Partnership in India 

A web-based resource designed to help improve decision-making for Project Sponsoring Authorities.

La boîte à outils PPP du Sénégal 

The first PPP toolkit implemented in a French-speaking African country. The PPP toolkit details procedures for implementing PPPs in Senegal.

Legal & Institutional Frameworks in Africa: A comparative analysis 

PPPs and the frameworks surrounding them: A new comparison tool for Africa (2024).

Stakeholder Communication and Engagement 

Community Engagement for Public-Private Partnerships 

This guide explains how communities affected by a PPP can engage in the project.

Social Inclusivity

Reference Tool on Inclusive Infrastructure and Social Equity 

A practical evidence-based framework for practitioners to maximise the impact of infrastructure investment on reducing inequality and increasing the positive social outcomes of large infrastructure projects for often under-served or vulnerable groups. 

Labour Issues

World Bank/PPIAF Toolkit on Labor Issues in Infrastructure Reform 

The primary objective of this Toolkit is to provide practical tools and information to help policymakers handle labor issues in private participation in infrastructure (PPI).

Other Toolkits

OECD Principles for Public Governance of PPPs 

This tool provides concrete guidance to policy makers on how to make sure that PPPs represent value for money for the public sector. They provide guidance on when a PPP is relevant (e.g. not for projects with rapidly changing technology such as IT, but possibly for well known generic technology such as roads) and focus on how you need to get public sector areas aligned for this to work.

PPP Project Preparation Status Tool 

This Guide to Public-Private Partnerships is published by the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC), a Division of the European Investment Bank (EIB). It provides a high-level framework to guide the public-private partnership (PPP) process, and it identifies other authoritative PPP guidance materials, available either online or in print publications, from a wide variety of sources.

PPP Qualitative Value-for-Money Toolkit 

The ESCAP toolkit presented in this document highlights a set of criteria that government officials need to consider when assessing whether a project is likely to achieve “Value-for-Money or VfM” if delivered as a PPP. 

PPP Risk Allocation Tool (2019)

The PPP Risk Allocation Tool 2019 Edition contains matrices showing the allocation of risks as between the public and private partners in typical PPP transactions for 18 different types of projects, including both economic infrastructure (such as transport, energy, telecommunications and water projects) and social infrastructure (such as school and hospital projects). For each sector, there is also an identification of key risk areas and a discussion of risk allocation trends.

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Updated: September 11, 2024