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Country Profile: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Listed below are Country-level PPP profiles and links to key data and resources in Europe and Central Asia. Find more in our Country Profile section.



Country Profile: Albania
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Country Profile: Armenia
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Country Profile: Azerbaijan
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Country Profile: Belarus
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Country Profile: Belgium
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Country Profile: Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Country Profile: Bulgaria
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Country Profile: Croatia
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Country Profile: Czech Republic
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Country Profile: Denmark
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Country Profile: Estonia
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Country Profile: France
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Country Profile: Georgia
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Country Profile: Germany
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Country Profile: Greece
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Country Profile: Hungary
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Country Profile: Italy
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Country Profile: Kazakhstan
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Country Profile: Kosovo
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Country Profile: Kyrgyz Republic
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Country Profile: Latvia
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Country Profile: Lithuania
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Country Profile: Malta
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Country Profile: Montenegro
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Country Profile: The Netherlands
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Country Profile: Poland
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Country Profile: Portugal
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Country Profile: Republic of Ireland
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Country Profile: Republic of North Macedonia
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Country Profile: Republic of Moldova
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Country Profile: Romania
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Country Profile: Russia
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Country Profile: Serbia
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Country Profile: Slovak Republic
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Country Profile: Slovenia
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Country Profile: Spain
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Country Profile: Tajikistan
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Country Profile: Turkey
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Country Profile: Turkmenistan
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Country Profile: Ukraine
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Country Profile: United Kingdom
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Country Profile: Uzbekistan
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