Title: A Guide to Community Engagement for Public-Private Partnerships (June 2019)

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Toolkit

Published: June 1, 2019

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Pro-poor, Tools

Keywords: PPP Tools *, Toolkits **, Community engagement

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

Global Guide to Community Engagement for PPPs

This Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) guide explains how communities affected by a PPP can engage in the project. The aim is to improve the development outcomes from PPPs and simultaneously creating a smoother operating environment for all parties, including the government and the private sector. Better outcomes will be achieved by mobilizing the community to enhance positive impacts while avoiding or at least minimizing potential negative impacts.

Document Details:

The draft Guide to Community Engagement for PPPs is open for public consultation to capture inputs and recommendations by all relevant stakeholders.

The guide has been prepared by the Community Development Team within the International Finance Corporation and the PPP team within the World Bank Group’s Infrastructure Vice Presidency . It provides a practical, systematic way to engage communities in PPPs. A two-way process is presented; it is just as important to listen to and consider community input into a PPP as it is to share information and inform communities about the project. The aim is to improve the development outcomes from PPPs by mobilizing the community’s input. 

The guide is intended for the governments that prepare PPPs, the private partners that implement PPPs, and the investors and lenders of PPPs. It also intended to inform communities affected by a PPP about what they should expect.

We appreciate your input and feedback by December 31, 2019.

While all comments received will be reviewed and documented, comments and recommendations may not necessarily be incorporated into the final version of the guide. A comprehensive table will be released at the end of the consultation phase listing all feedback, comments, and recommendations without attribution to the person, organization, or entity that submitted it.

If you and/or your organization are interested in collaborating with the team to enhance the Guide to Community Engagement to PPPs, please submit your comments and feedback by December 31, 2019.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Updated: August 7, 2024