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When designing and developing a public-private partnership (PPP) project, a government agency may seek assistance from external advisors to complement its own team and supplement its resources and expertise. The range of potential advisers includes legal, financial and technical advisors and can be used to develop pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, as well as draft bidding documents and support the contracting agency in procuring and negotiating the project.
Below are resources offering guidance on drafting TORs as well as sample TORs:
The TORs are designed to be used as part of an NRW-reduction project being implemented in accordance with the NRW… more
Operational Manual: Global Program on Developing Good PBC Practices for Managing NRW, The World Bank, December 2016.… more
This TOR is one of four designed to produce innovative types of NRW Reduction Contracts. The TORs are designed to be… more
This TOR is one of four designed to produce innovative types of NRW Reduction Contracts. The TORs are designed to be… more
The Government of the Republic of the Indonesia is committed to implement public–private partnerships (PPP) in… more
The Ministry of Finance has established Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit named Directorate of Government Support… more
This document is a sample terms of reference for preparing a refined feasibility study for a proposed city by-pass. It… more
Terms of Reference: Review and Redrafting of Model Toll Road Documentation Author: Victoria Rigby Delmon Image by… more
ToRs for Consultant for Drafting of PPP Law (taking into account existing Legal Environment) Image by Pixabay
The purpose of this document is to invite the submission of proposals to provide legal and regulatory advisory services… more
Since the outset of the economic crisis, changes in the economic profiles, the structure of government, and the social… more
Job descriptions and qualifications for the following key personnel: Chief Executive Officer Operations Officer… more
Image by Pixabay
ToR for a Project Office Legal Task Manager
Project targets include (a) provision of electricity access to households through solar home systems and independent… more
Find more related materials at Energy Licenses and Licensing Procedures. Tracking Number: Polat Enerji_2008_English
Find more related materials at Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Energy Purchase Agreements (EPAs). Tracking… more
This is a critical measurement of the success of the RERED Project in the context of rural economic development. Find… more
Find more related materials at Rural Electrification Funds. Tracking Number: Renewable Energy for Rural Economic… more
Tracking Number: SpecificationsBiomass_2013_French Find more @ Energy and Power PPPs and at Climate-Smart PPPs Image… more
By allowing the private sector to invest in and manage the electric utility, the Department of Energy expects to… more
[Brief Background of Project] 1. Scope of work [ADVISOR] will be acting for [GOVERNMENT]. Instructions will come from… more
Terms of Reference for Legal Advisors for a Light Rail Project- Scope of Work Image by Pixabay
Road transport dominates the transport sector with bus and car for passengers and truck for freight leading the way. In… more
Introduction 1. In preparation for future liberalization privatization of the incumbent telecommunications operator, [… more
Legal Consultancy to Implement Telecommunications Legal and Regulatory Reforms Objective of the Consultancy The… more
II. Objective of the Consultancy The Government seeks technical assistance from an internationally qualified legal… more
Le Gouvernement [PAYS] a récemment manifesté la volonté de réformer le secteur des postes et des télécommunications.… more
The following sets out the areas of scope of work for terms of reference (ToRs) to appoint legal advisers to assist the… more
Technical Assistance (extract from World Bank/PPIAF Toolkit on Hiring and Managing Advisors)