Title: TOR for Waste Management Sector Review Specialist (Indonesia IIFD)

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Terms of Reference (TORs)

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Indonesia

Sector: Municipal Solid Waste

Keywords: PPP Tools *, Sample Terms of Reference (TORs) for PPP Advisors**, Municipal Solid Waste


Document Summary:

This Term of Reference mainly explains on Waste Management Sector Consultant for conducting sector review and describes the objectives and scope of the required services, the envisaged outputs, and consultancy inputs, the reporting requirements and the arrangements of the services. The consultant is expected to provide a systematic knowledge and review about the sectors in order to provide a meaningful insight for DGSIFM personnel on aspects related to Waste Management. The consultant is also expected to have intensive discussion in issues related to the sector during the assignment. This is aimed at supporting DGSIFM on some initiatives/involvement in the prospective project pipeline.

Document Details:

The Government of the Republic of the Indonesia is committed to implement public–private partnerships (PPP) in Indonesia for attracting private investment in infrastructure. The Directorate of Government Support and Infrastructure Financing Management (DGSIFM) was established at 2015 in Directorate General of Budget Finance and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance (MoF) to be Indonesia PPP unit. The role of the DGSIFM is to boost PPP development by giving government support, undertake PPP awareness campaign and provide capacity building to the Government Contracting Agency (GCA) and other relevant stakeholders.

As part of its proposed plan for the next five years, the DGSIFM aims to focus its attention and accelerate PPP transactions in Urban Transport, Water Supply and Waste Water, Solid Waste Management, Health, Housing and Energy. As the follow up of determination those priority sectors, some of sectors have been prepared a sector review by Core Advisory and Management Support consultants - PT Deloitte Consultant Indonesia specifically Water, Transportation, Urban Infrastructure, Energy, Health, and Education sector review, however several sectors review are still needed such as Gas Distribution and Waste Management sector.

The objectives of the Waste Management Sector Review Consultant’s services are as follow:

  1. provide services to DGSIFM on developing the waste management sector review regarding to the overall waste management ecosystem;
  2. present a comprehensive analysis on areas that should be addressed in delivering services related to waste management based on international best practices;
  3. present a robust analysis on regulatory and institutional framework, technical option, economic and financial assessment, and market analysis related to sector; and
  4. provide a policy and technical recommendation in implementing PPP scheme within the sector.