Transportation PPP Toolkits
Photo Credit: Image by Hessel Visser from Pixabay
Find toolkits on transportation below:
PPP for transportation: Toolkit for Legislators - This toolkit provides expert guidance, dependable counsel and a compilation of best practices to assist state legislatures as they consider whether and how to pursue PPPs in their states. The centerpiece of the toolkit is nine principles that promote a sound public policy approach to the consideration of PPPs. Clear explanations of PPP approaches, benefits and controversies, and roles and responsibilities are provided as well. In addition, the appendices have a wealth of specific state legislative information and detailed instruction on PPP issues. The NCSL Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation: A Toolkit for Legislators - The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Partners Project on PPPs for Transportation produced this toolkit in December 2010. The toolkit provides expert guidance, dependable counsel and a compilation of best practices to assist state legislatures as they consider whether and how to pursue PPPs in their states. The centerpiece of the toolkit is nine principles that promote a sound public policy approach to the consideration of PPPs. Public Private Partnership in India - Toolkit - PPIAF, World Bank and AusAID - This PPP Structuring Toolkit has been designed to strengthen decision-making at all key stages of the project cycle and improve the quality of the PPPs being developed. This web-based toolkit was structured to cover the full project life cycle, facilitating identification, assessment, development, procurement, and monitoring of PPP projects. While the general structure has incorporated international best practices, the toolkit has been built following specific approaches used in India. The toolkit provides tools, methodologies and processes to assist the governments/agencies to strengthen decision-making at all key stages of the PPP project cycle. It covers highways, water and sanitation, ports, solid waste management and urban transport sectors. Private Sector Participation in Light Rail - Light Metro Transit Initiatives by Cledan Mandri-Perrott (with Iain Menzies), Public-Private Advisory Facility (PPIAF) 2010 – Toolkit on PPP arrangements for the establishment of effective light-rail metro transit (LRMT) systems. Presents options and discusses practical issues related to preparing and implementing new LRMT PPP schemes. The toolkit is intended as a practical guide to developing LRMT PPPs in both developed and developing countries. It aims to help government and public authorities to make informed decisions, adapted to local policy and objectives. Urban Bus Toolkit - World Bank and Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) 2011 - This toolkit is designed to help government officials and policy makers evaluate existing and alternative urban bus systems in developing and transitional countries. It offers practical advice to enact fundamental system reforms (available in English, French and Chinese). Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships in Urban Transport - Maharashtra, India - Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2011 - This toolkit was prepared to assist public entities in the state of Maharashtra in India in developing public-private partnership (PPP) urban bus transport projects. It includes case studies and detailed term sheets for the different PPP options that aim to facilitate the drafting of contracts. Terms sheets are provided for (a) cost-plus contracts and net-cost contracts (typically lease contracts) where the private sector owns, operates and maintains the buses while the public authority collects the revenue, (b) licensing contracts (typically operation & maintenance contracts) where the buses are owned by the public authority and the private party operates and maintains the buses and collect the revenue, and (c) a bus depot contract (design-build-operate contract) as well as (d) a monorail operation and maintenance contract. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): Toolkit for Feasibility Studies - This Toolkit is Module 2 of the Guidelines and Toolkits for Urban Transport Development prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Urban Development of India in 2008. The documents in this toolkit are designed to help decision makers and practitioners in states and municipal governments who are concerned with urban transport development in medium-sized cities in India. Toolkit on Market-Based Approaches in Private Sector Provision of Bus Services - This toolkit is designed to help government officials and policy makers evaluate existing and alternative urban bus systems in developing and transitional countries. It offers practical advice to enact fundamental system reforms. A Railway Concessioning Toolkit - Guide de mise en concession ferroviaire, Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), Working Paper No. 74, World Bank, April 2003 (English and French). Includes sample concession agreement for railways in civil law jurisdiction (commentary on sample concession agreement). Railway Reform: A Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance - Public-Private Advisory Facility (PPIAF), June 2011 (English, Spanish French and Russian). This toolkit provides an experienced-based set of best practices and selected case studies to aid in the planning and execution of railway reforms. It is based on international experiences with railway reform under a range of railway organizational forms—state agencies, state-owned, or private enterprises.General Transport
Toolkit for Legislators
PPP Structuring Toolkit
Urban Passenger Transport
Light Rail
Bus Rapid Transit
Fare Collection and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Roads and Highways
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Page Specific DisclaimerThe Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. They have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions.
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