Title: Financing Public-Private Partnerships – Best Practices in Latin America

Contributor: NULL

Languages: English

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Global

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Parties, Financing and Risk Mitigation **, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Contract, Termination, PPP Options, Risk, Legal issues, Public Sector, Private Sector, Revenue Sources / Funding, Financing, PPP Unit *, Feasibility study, Negotiation phase, Unsolicited proposals


Document Details:

In partnership with the World Bank Institute (WBI) PPIAF supported a a two-day conference to disseminate the best practices and innovations of Latin American countries' PPP programs in response to the financial crisis.

The conference gathered high level officials from 15 Latin American countries who are responsible for PPPs, as well as concessionaires, fund managers, banks, multilateral agencies, and academia.

In the last three years decreased availability of financing, as well as the cautious approach on the part of the lenders have led to a considerable increase in the role played by Latin-American governments in supporting their public-private partnerships (PPP) programs through different mechanisms. Governments have promoted investment (private, hybrid and pension funds), guarantee, and subsidy funds, and innovative financial products. They also introduced changes in PPP legislation, rules, and contracts.

The discussions focus on lessons learned about the different mechanisms implemented by governments to support their PPP programs in order to mitigate the negative effects of the global financial crisis.

Conference resources and presentations from the conference are available above.

Updated: October 25, 2021