In partnership with the World Bank Institute (WBI) PPIAF supported a a two-day conference to disseminate the best practices and innovations of Latin American countries' PPP programs in response to the financial crisis.
Agreement Synopsis, Context and Review
Model Bilateral Connection Agreement that is used by the UK National Grid Company (NGC) for customers who wish to connect to its transmission system. This model agreement makes a reference to the so-called Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC), that NGC has developed and submitted to the UK regulator (OFGEM) for approval. The CUSC is a complex document and so may not be appropriate for adaptation to developing economies without extensive amendment.
The private partner would operate and manage and further develop the infrastructure to ensure (1) the area is fully irrigated within six (6) years of the date of signature of the contract; and (2) that at least 25% of the irrigated land is available for small farmers, who should be integrated into the production chain of the commercial producers that would occupy the remainder of the land. The private partner will be remunerated for the sale of water (through user tariffs) and a capacity payment by the government.