Governmental processes facilitating infrastructure project preparation: Case study from Indonesia

Leading practice reference guides and tools: an introduction

  • Governmental processes facilitating project preparation (launched January 2019)

  • The PPP Risk Allocation Tool, released in June 2016, was the first of the GI Hub’s

    leading practice initiatives (updating with additional social sectors forthcoming 2019)

  • The PPP Contract Management Tool (launched July 2018)

  • Leading practice reference tool on inclusive infrastructure (consultative version, March 2019)

Niger: Cotecna Inspections Niamey Liaison Office

The Government of Niger (GoN) awarded Cotecna Inspection Services S.A. of Switzerland (COINS) a concession to develop import verification and trade facilitation services. COINS will establish a Cotecna Inspection Services S.A. Niamey Liaison Office in Niamey, the country’s capital. Niger is heavily dependent on imports for foodstuffs, machinery, vehicles and parts, petroleum, and cereals. Imports represent 40 percent of Niger’s GDP. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is supporting COINS through a guarantee covering its investment for up to six years.

PPPs and State Aid

The report is therefore not designed to be an exhaustive or detailed study of State aid issues in PPP projects. Rather, it indicates key elements that can help PPP practitioners to identify potential State aid issues in their projects and programs and to consider how they can use exemptions to avoid the need to notify the Commission. The report in no way substitutes for procuring authorities seeking their own legal advice, or that of the Commission, when preparing PPP projects or programs.

Federal Network Authority (Bundesnetzagentur – BNetzA)

The Bundesnetzagentur for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway, or Bundesnetzagentur as it is commonly known, promotes effective competition in the regulated areas and ensures non-discriminatory access to networks. It protects important consumer rights and is also the root certification authority under the Electronic Signatures Act. In addition, the Bundesnetzagentur is responsible for implementing the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act.

Queensland Competition Authority

The Queensland Competition Authority is Queensland’s economic regulator. It helps prevent monopoly businesses from inappropriately using their market power—by setting or monitoring prices, or through other arrangements.

The businesses it regulates own or operate vital infrastructure in Queensland, such as railways and ports, or they deliver essential services, such as water and energy.  Because of regulation, prices are competitive, and those who need to use infrastructure can do so fairly.