Title: New Moroccan PPP Law Summary

Languages: English

Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Country: Morocco

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Legal Framework *, Parties, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Contract, Termination, PPP Options, Risk, Legal issues, Public Sector, Private Sector, Revenue Sources / Funding, Financing, Key contractual provisions, PPP Unit


Document Details:

New Moroccan PPP Law, Client Alert by Paule Biensan and François-Guilhem Vaissier, White and Case, April 2015

In order to facilitate the development of infrastructure projects, the Kingdom of Morocco recently created a new category of contracts implemented through the enactment of the law n° 86-12 pertaining to public-private partnership contracts. The purpose of this law is to help define a unified and incentivizing framework conducive to the development of infrastructures in Morocco and to the increase of visibility of foreign and local investors, it being specified that these provisions will be completed shortly by an implementing decree. This law was published on 24 December 2014 and the French version was published on 5 February 2015.  The law was drafted after analyzing the different legal frameworks of public-private partnership contracts in various countries, such as France, Spain and Egypt, which influenced the legal scope applicable to these contracts. This client alert explains the rules pertaining to the tender procedure of a PPP contract and the main provisions of a PPP contract according to the new law.  

Related Information: 

PPP Laws / Concession Laws

Tracking Reference: 

Morocco_New Moroccan PPP law_EN.pdf

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Updated: August 25, 2020