Title: Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships in Roads and Highways

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2009

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Road, Unsolicited proposals, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Framework ***, PPP Cycle ***


Document Summary:

Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships in Roads and Highways, World Bank and Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), 2009 (English and Russian)

Document Details:

This toolkit for public-private partnerships (PPPs) in roads and highways aims to assist transport sector policy makers in low- and middle-income countries in implementing procedures to promote private sector participation and financing in the development of their road and highway sector. The Toolkit is presented in six modules, each presenting a specific subject matter for the development of PPP. Module 2 (Key Components) provides information on risk assessment, finance and public accounting. Module 4 (Laws and Contracts) examines the legal and regulatory environment to PPP. It provides a framework for diagnosis and reform and the basis for preparation of PPP contracts.

Module 4, "Laws & Contracts" examines the legal framework and regulatory environment for PPPs.  It provides a framework for diagnosis and reform and provides the basis for preparation of PPP contracts.
Module 5, "Implementing & Monitoring"  has information on implementation, monitoring, the procurement process, contract management, and handover.


Related Information: 

PPPs in Roads

Transport Toolkits

Government Risk Management

Tracking Reference: 

WB. 2009a. “Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships in Roads and Highways.” World Bank. Website. [#2066]

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay 

Updated: June 15, 2022