Title: PPP for transportation: Toolkit for Legislators

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Legal issues



PPP transportation toolkit for legislators.pdf11.1 MB

Document Details:

National Council for State Legislatures

With the growing interest in PPPs, the debate over their use has become somewhat polarized and reasoned voices have been harder to discern. The NCSL Partners Project on PPPs for Transportation produced the report Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation: A Toolkit for Legislators in December 2010.  The toolkit provides expert guidance, dependable counsel and a compilation of best practices to assist state legislatures as they consider whether and how to pursue PPPs in their states.

Solid, balanced and comprehensive state enabling legislation is the key to thorough consideration and success of PPP projects, while protecting the public interest. The centerpiece of the toolkit is nine principles that promote a sound public policy approach to the consideration of PPPs. Clear explanations of PPP approaches, benefits and controversies, and roles and responsibilities also are provided. As well, the appendices have a wealth of specific state legislative information and detailed instruction on PPP issues.

Updated: March 28, 2021