Popular Resources

Management/Operation and Maintenance Contracts

Management contracts and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contracts are contracts governing a type of public-… more

Climate-Smart PPPs

To deliver climate-smart infrastructure solutions, private investment and expertise is essential, including sustainable… more

Contract Law – Limitations on Freedom of Contract

The legal environment of a host country is likely to contain a number of restrictions on the parties' ability to… more

Public-Private Partnerships in Airports

Airports provide access to and interlink regional, national and international markets. This makes investment in… more

Renewable Energy

Many countries have adapted energy policies and laws to encourage investment in renewable energy (RE) sources. They are… more

Solución de disputas - Lista de comprobación y…

Al momento de evaluar o redactar un acuerdo, es importante analizar cuidadosamente la cláusula relativa a la solución… more

Tanzania - National Public-Private Partnerships…

This section download link to the Tanzania National Public Private Partnerships Policy.

South Africa's Renewable Energy IPP…

The South African Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) is a competitive tender… more

Solar Power Energy

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity through the use of solar cells, i.e., photovoltaic cells, or… more

Learning and Training

Find web-based multimedia trainings and seminars on PPPs hosted by the World Bank and our partners

Financing and Risk Mitigation

A key motivation for governments considering public-private partnerships (PPPs) is the possibility of bringing in new… more

Port Reform Toolkit PPIAF, World Bank, 2nd Edition

The Port Reform Toolkit is aimed to provide policymakers and practitioners with effective decision support in… more

Energy Laws and Regulations

Find documents and links to Energy/ Power sector reform, laws and regulation in this section of the PPPLRC.

Privatization Laws

Privatization is a transaction or series of transactions by which governments sell off all or part of an interest in a… more

Kenya: Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005

This section provides download links to Kenya’s Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005.

Legislation and Laws - General and Sector Specific

This section provides a summary of key areas of a host country's existing laws that will need to be reviewed when… more

Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI)…

See detail on projects, sectors, financial closure and other useful information for countries covered by the PPI… more

Utility Restructuring Corporatization…

A government considering ways of improving performance in its utilities may seek to achieve this by involving the… more

Sub-national and Municipal PPPs

Connects to sector-specific information on sub-national PPP projects, sample sub-national PPP laws and regulations,… more