Popular Resources

Leases and Affermage Contracts

Leases and affermage contracts are generally public-private sector arrangements under which the private operator is… more

5 Trends in Public-Private Partnerships in Water…

Developing countries, facing the challenges of sustainability and financial viability due to the inescapable realities… more

Municipal Public-Private Partnership Framework

The Municipal PPP Framework is a tool developed specifically for local governments to help them understand and… more

Telecommunications / Information &…

In this section, you'll find resources for understanding, evaluating and implementing reform in a country's… more

Standard Form Public Private Partnership (PPP)…

Version three, released by the National Infrastructure Unit of New Zealand, October 2013. This agreement was prepared… more

Procurement Processes and Bidding Documents

Where PPP projects involve funding from the World Bank, then the World Bank Procurement Guidelines and Procedures will… more

Legal Framework/ Enabling Environment Assessment…

Find an overview as well as key questions on host country's Legal Environment that need to be asked when a… more

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) PPPs

While municipalities are generally responsible for solid waste services, the private sector has long been involved in… more

Acerca de las Asociaciones Público-Privadas

Las asociaciones público-privadas (APP) pueden significar un medio que permita el desarrollo o el mejoramiento de la… more

About PPPLRC (PPP Legal Resource Center)

The Public-Private Partnership Legal Resource Center (PPPLRC) formerly known as Public-Private Partnership in… more

Preparing, Procuring and Implementing Climate-…

Infrastructure and its services may become increasingly affected by climate change-related extreme weather events as… more

Climate-Smart PPPs: Further Reading and Resources

Find more reading materials and resources on Climate-Smart PPPs

Civil Works and Service Contracts

Utilities commonly source goods and services from private sector third parties, whether to purchase spare parts or… more

Urban Passenger Transport

As cities grow and traffic congestion increases, governments are looking increasingly for alternatives to encourage a… more