Title: Tanzania: National Public-Private Partnership Policy (2009)

Contributor: NULL

Languages: English

Region: Global

Country: Global

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Parties, Financing and Risk Mitigation **, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Contract, Termination, PPP Options, Risk, Legal issues, Public Sector, Private Sector, Revenue Sources / Funding, Financing


Document Details:

The Government recognizes the role of private sector in bringing about socio-economic development through  investments. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) frameworks provides important instrument for attracting investments. Indeed,  Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been identified as  viable means to effectively address constraints of financing,  management and maintenance of public goods and services. Additionally, PPPs can enable  the  Government to  fulfill its responsibilities in efficient  delivery of socio-economic  goods and  services  by  ensuring efficiency,  effectiveness,  accountability, quality and outreach of services

Updated: August 25, 2020