Title: National Highways Authority of India - Model Concession Agreements

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Agreement

Published: March 7, 2021

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Sector: Transportation

Topic: Agreements

Keywords: PPP Cycle ***, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **, Road, Model agreement

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Document Summary:

The India government has approved the proposal to authorize NHAI to monetize public funded NH projects which are operational and are generating toll revenues for at least two years after the COD through the Toll Operate Transfer (ToT) Model subject to, approval of the Competent Authority in MoRTH/NHAI on a case to case basis.

In TOT Model, the right of collection and appropriation of Fees for selected operational National Highway (NH) projects constructed through public funding shall be assigned for a pre-determined concession period to concessionaires (developers/investors) against upfront payment of a lump-sum amount to NHAI. Such assignment of rights shall be based on toll revenue potential of the identified NH projects. Operation & Maintenance (O&M) obligations of such projects shall be with the concessionaire till the completion of concession period. The concessionaires for such projects shall be appointed through a transparent and uniform procurement process within the ambit of a pre-defined and approved implementation framework.

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Find more @ Public-Private Partnerships for Transport

IN. 2009. Model Concession Agreements for National Highways. New Delhi: Government of India, Planning Commission. [#4619]

Image by mufaddalap from Pixabay 

Updated: June 27, 2022