Title: PPP Reference Guide 3.0 (Full version)

Languages: English

Type: Publication

Published: April 27, 2017

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topics: PPP Reference Guide

Keywords: Legal Framework *, PPP Reference Guide



PPP Reference Guide 3.013.74 MB

Document Summary:

What is in the PPP Reference Guide? The Reference Guide provides the most relevant examples and resources on key PPP topics and helps readers navigate the substantial body of knowledge that has been generated across the world by practitioners from governments, international development institutions, academia, and the private sector. It is not a toolkit or a step-by-step guidebook; nor does it cover the specifics of PPPs in any given country or sector. Rather, the Reference Guide aims to help government officials and other interested parties in answering following questions:

  • What are PPPs, and why use them?
  • What kind of policy, legal, and institutional framework is need to ensure PPPs achieve their stated objectives efficiently and effectively?
  • What is the process for developing and implementing a PPP project?

To better cover the range of topics which impact PPPs, the third edition includes new sections such as stakeholder communication and engagement, environmental and social due diligence, and climate change. Additional relevant sections include municipal PPPs and private participation in fragile and conflict-affected states.

Who should use the Reference Guide?  This Reference Guide targets government officials who wish to improve their knowledge of PPPs. Other parties, including civil society organizations, private sector participants, universities, or other readers will find different parts of this Reference Guide useful at different times. The Reference Guide is part synthesis and part bibliography. As such, it may be useful for both the newcomer to the PPP area looking for a structured introduction to key PPP topics, and the expert who may find additional references in some specific area.

Who developed the Reference Guide? The PPP Reference Guide Version 3 is a joint product of the: Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Global Infrastructure Hub (GI hub), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Economic and Social Comission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and World Bank Group.

Relevant resources

Those who wish to educate themselves on PPPs more thoroughly will find the APMG PPP Certification Guide (2016) a useful resource. Examples of well-formulated PPP manuals and toolkits are the South Africa PPP Manual (2004), the Caribbean PPP Toolkit (2017), and the World Bank sectoral toolkits—for instance, the toolkit on roadways (2009).



PPP Basics: What and Why

Establishing the PPP Framework

PPP Cycle 

Document Details:

PPP Reference Guide V3_0.JPG





A substantial body of knowledge on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) has been generated across the world by a broad spectrum of practitioners from government, the private sector, international development institutions, academia, and expert advisors. This Reference Guide helps readers navigate this body of knowledge. It introduces key topics on PPP, sets out options, and directs readers to examples and references where they can learn more.


Updated: September 8, 2022