Title: Contrato de Concesión Ferroviaria (430/94) and Addenda (167/01) - Línea Belgrano Norte

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Argentina

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Parties, Contract, Termination, Risk, Legal issues, Concession, Handover



Contrato de Concesión Ferroviaria 430/945.84 MB, Addenda 167/013.78 MB

Document Details:

Contrato de Concesión Ferroviaria (430/94), Grupo de Servicio 6, Línea Belgrano Norte (Spanish) and Addenda (167/01) (Spanish) Concession agreement between the Argentinian state and a private entity (Ferrovias Sociedad Anonimas Concessionarios) regarding the railway line Belgrano Norte (from Villa Rosa to Retira - Buenos Aires Metropolian Area) with addendum. The concession contract regards a railway line dedicated to public passenger transport (concesión de servicio público). Concessionaire is granted the right to use all assets conferred, including rolling stock. Concessionaire is obliged to operate the railway system, maintain the railway infrastructure and make the investments specified in the concession contract. Asset ownership remains with the conceding authority. Assets revert to the conceding authority at the end of the concession period, including assets purchased by the concessionaire (exceptions apply for rolling stock). The term of the contract is 24 years (extendable). The concessionaire has the obligation to grant track access to railway companies specified in the agreement or other concessionaires on the basis of track access agreements against track access charges. The conditions for track access and the track access charges need to be fair and reasonable (clause 6.3 of the concession contract). Details are specified in annexes to the contract (not published yet). 


Related Information:

Railways PPPs

Shared Use of Railway Tracks


Tracking Reference: Argentina_Contrato de Concesión Ferroviaria 430_94.ES.pdf

Updated: March 27, 2021