Title: Ordenanza que Establece los Lineamiento de Política Municipal de Transporte Público Urbano pata el área de Lima Metropolitana

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Published: July 1, 2013

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Peru

Sectors: Transportation

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Parties, Private Sector, Procurement, Local contractors


Document Details:

This ordinance establishes guidelines for the implementation of the Transportation Metropolitan System. Among its Policy Guidelines (Article 2), the document indicates that the System must be implemented in a way which mitigates the impact to affected operators. Likewise, the same provision sets out that the incorporation of the existing local operators is a priority.

Related Information:


Tracking Reference:

Ordenanza que Establece los Lineamiento de Política Municipal de Transporte Público Urbano pata el área de Lima Metropolitana_ES_2013

Updated: March 28, 2021