Title: Contrato de Arrendamiento del Material Tractivo y Rodante (Rolling Stock Lease Agreement)

Language: Spanish

Type: Document

Nature: Contract Agreement

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Peru

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, PPPs for Transport **, Peru, Contractual Provisions, Rail

Document Summary:

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Document Details:

Contrato de Arrendamiento del Material Tractivo y Rodante - Rolling Stock Lease Agreement (Spanish). Agreement between the infrastructure manager and concessionaire of the Southern and Southeastern Railway line (Ferrocaril Transandino S.A. - FTSA) and its sister company, the railway operator PeruRail S.A. 


Related Information: 

Concession agreement between FTSA and the Peruvian state - Contrato de Concesión de los Ferrocarriles del Sur y Sur Oriente 

Track Access Agreements - Latin America and the Caribbean

Shared Use of Railway Tracks




Tracking Number:

Peru_Contrato de Arrendamiento del Material Tractivo y Rodante (Rolling Stock Lease Agreement)_ES.pdf