

  • 如果存在现有的公用设施机构,则该机构的股份可以转让给私营机构(或一家新的控股公司,该公司可持有该机构的资产,而该机构是按照一种共同持有结构成立的)。如果是项目融资项目,则将建立具有共同股份持有结构(范围有限)的项目公司(通常会关注以有限的多样化能力来实现项目)。
  • 持股水平将有所不同,具体取决于政府是否要将项目从资产负债表中去掉,以及政府是否希望保留对该公用设施机构的管理控制。但是,即便该机构的大部分股份是由私营机构持有的,也有很多种方法让政府获得控制权,甚至是对特定管理问题的一票否决权。
  • 出于战略原因,政府可能会选择保持对该机构的控制权(至少是部分控制权),尤其是当合资公司拥有相关资产的时候。但是,私营机构会希望保证其能够对该机构进行日常管理,因此,少数派可能会要求获得某些特定问题的一票否决权或加权投票权。
  • 一般情况下,如果成立了项目公司,那么大部分的关键职能(例如施工、运营和维护)都将通过分包合同的方式授予私营机构方的运营商。
  • 与股份有关的权力以及股东之间的权力一般会在公司章程文件(一般是公司章程)和股东协议中得到规定。


Joint Venture/ Joint Stock Company Checklist

Joint venture arrangements in infrastructure projects were until recently generally only relevant to regulating the relationships between private parties to a project company in a Build-Own-Transfer (BOT) or concession project. There is increased use of them between public utilities and private parties, often in combination with or following the corporatization of a public utility.

Joint Ventures / Government Shareholding in Project Company

This section does not focus on the relationship between consortium members bidding on a project where they may decide to form a special purpose company, although the issues covered in the Joint Venture Checklist and the Joint Development Agreement Termsheet. See also Sources of Financing. It explores key issues to consider when establishing joint ventures.

Standardisation of PFI Contracts: Version 4

Publication Year

In July 1999 the first edition of Standardisation of PFI Contracts was published. The aim was to provide guidance on the key issues that arise in PFI projects in order to promote the achievement of commercially balanced Contracts and enable public sector procurers to meet their requirements and deliver best value for money. Second and third editions have followed in September 2002, and April 2004, together with an Addendum in December 2005.

PF2: User Guide

Publication Year

HM Treasury have issued a new policy document and new contract standardisation guidance for PF2 as follows:

(a) “A New Approach to Public Private Partnerships” (“PF2 Policy”) (http://www.hmtreasury.gov.uk/infrastructure_ppp_contractual.htm) and

(b) “Standardisation of PF2 Contracts” (“PF2 Guidance”) ((http://www.hmtreasury.gov.uk/infrastructure_ppp_contractual.htm).

PF2 Guidance replaces the old PFI guidance named “Standardisation of PFI Contracts Version 4” which was issued in March 2007 (“SoPC 4”).