Climate Change Toolkits

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These toolkits provide sector-specific checklists, sample documents and other resources for creating successful partnerships relating to Climate Change.

Climate Toolkits 

Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs  

If structured correctly, PPPs can increase climate resilience offering innovative solutions to address both mitigation and adaptation challenges. This toolkit aims to address this precise challenge by embedding a climate lens and approach into upstream PPP advisory work and structuring. 

The Law and Climate Change Toolkit

The Law and Climate Change Toolkit is an online and open database developed through a partnership between the UN Climate Change secretariat, UN Environment Programme, and the Commonwealth Secretariat working in close collaboration with partner countries, international organizations and research institutions. 

Assessment and Adaptation Tools

Climate & Disaster Risk Screening Tools 

The Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools provide a systematic, consistent, and transparent way of considering short- and long-term climate and disaster risks in project and national/sector planning processes. These self-paced tools provide high-level screening at an early stage of program and/or project development. They are intended to help determine the need for further studies, consultation, and/or dialogue in the course of program or project design.

The tools can be applied to a range of development sectors in support of (a) national plans and strategies and (b) project level investments. Project level tools are available for a range of sectors including agriculture, water, roads, coastal flood protection, energy, health and other.

Climate Change Adaptation Tools 

The Climate Change Knowledge Portal is a central hub of information, data, and reports about climate change around the world. It allows users to query, map, compare, chart, and summarize key climate and climate-related information. The Portal features access to a number of online climate change adaptation tools providing comprehensive global, regional, and country data related to climate change and development. These tools include the Climate Compatible Development Tools,UKCIP Adaptation Wizard,Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRisTAL), and Hands-on Energy Adaptation Toolkit HEAT).

Natural Hazard Assessment Tool 

Assessing the potential disaster and climate risk in development is critical for development experts, project developers, planners, officials, and other decision makers. To make this understanding of risk more accessible and increase the resilience of projects around the world, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery’s Innovation Lab has collaborated with the World Bank Group, BRGM (the French geological survey), Camptocamp, and Deltares, to develop ThinkHazard!. This free, open source tool analyses global, national, and local hazard data in a first-of-its-kind digital platform. Hazard information is available for 196 countries across 8 different natural hazards. With this tool, users can have a quick, simple-to-use overview of all hazards in an area of interest and access recommendations and resources to help address those risks.

The Decision Tree Framework 

No methodology has yet been generally accepted for assessing the significance of climate risks relative to all other risks to water resources projects. 

The goal of this book, "The Decision Tree Framework,"  is to outline a pragmatic process for risk assessment of water resources projects that can serve as a decision support tool to assist project planning under uncertainty. The approach adopted here is a robustness-based, bottom-up alternative to previous top-down approaches to climate risk assessment, the quality of which has been contingent on the accuracy of future climate projections derived from general circulation models (GCMs). The Decision Tree's approach to risk assessment aims at a thorough understanding a project’s vulnerabilities to climate change, in the context of other non-climate uncertainties (e.g., economic, environmental, demographic, political). It helps to identify projects that perform well across a wide range of potential future climate conditions, as opposed to seeking solutions that are optimal in expected conditions, but fragile to conditions deviating from the expected. 

Climate-Resilient Public Private Partnerships

A toolkit to provide pragmatic, practical solutions to integrate the assessment of climate risks and resiliency opportunities in the preparation of infrastructure projects through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). (Inter-American Development Bank 2020)

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Updated: July 9, 2024

Renewable Energy Project Resource Centre (REPRC)

hosted by Energypedia

Wiki-based library of energy project resources. Includes sample terms of references, procurement documents, economic analyses and case studies (success factors and lessons learned).