Title: Climate Toolkits: ICT

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Toolkit

Published: May 17, 2023

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Climate Toolkits - Online ***, PPPs by Topic *, Climate Smart **, Telecom and ICT

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

The ICT toolkit covers risk identification, climate considerations in project selection, and climate effects on project economics. The toolkit gradually develops project-specific considerations for further evaluation and understanding of advisory service needs. Consisting of five modules, it helps assess project alignment with climate policies, provides a simplified methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions, offers guidance on documenting climate risks and adaptation measures, estimates the impact of climate considerations on project costs and benefits, and suggests key performance indicators for climate objectives in ICT projects.

Document Details:

This toolkit contains a set of tools covering the major climate entry points (identification of risks, incorporation of climate considerations in the project selection, and appraisal of climate effects in the project’s economics), using as inputs the preliminary project data as well as readily available climate-related resources. This step-by-step process gradually builds up a project-specific collection of considerations that will need to be further evaluated and quantified in the subsequent phases, as well as an improved understanding of the potential needs for advisory services. The toolkit is divided into five modules: module 1 assists users with mapping climate policies and assessing projects against such policies to identify areas where a revision of plans may be required. Module 2 provides a simplified methodology for the preliminary life cycle assessment (LCA) of the project’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at a preliminary stage based on the project’s typology and publicly available data. Module 3 provides practical guidance to agencies to document, at a preliminary stage, which climate risks could affect a project, what their impact could be, and which adaptation measures might be applicable. Further guidance and more detailed instructions can be found in the Umbrella Toolkit. Module 4 provides tools to qualitatively estimate the impacts of climate considerations on the costs, benefits, and VfM of an ICT infrastructure project. Module 5 proposes a set of output requirements in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be embedded in the PPP contracts to ensure compliance with the climate objectives that are specific to ICT projects.

This toolkit is part of the Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs.

Updated: September 8, 2024