Title: Resilience Rating System: A Methodology for Building and Tracking Resilience to Climate Change

Language: English

Nature: Guidelines

Published: February 1, 2021

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, Climate Smart **, Climate change

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

To help guide investment decisions and improve climate resilience in project design and outcomes, the World Bank Group has developed a Resilience Rating System (RRS), along with an accompanying climate risk stress testing method and tool. 

With climate impacts increasing in frequency and intensity, ensuring that countries, communities and economies are more resilient is key. To help guide investment decisions and improve climate resilience in project design and outcomes, the RRS provides guidance and specific criteria to assess resilience along two complementary dimensions of project design - resilience of the project as well as resilience through the project.

The RRS was successfully piloted in 21 projects across multiple regions and sectors during FY21-FY22 (as part of IDA19).

Document Details:

The Resilience Rating System: A Methodology for Building and Tracking Resilience to Climate Change was published by The World Bank Group in 2021.  

