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The Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. They have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions

To find more, visit the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure section and the Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.  For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center at





Table of Contents for IRI

Find a full outline to contents, figures, tables, boxes and sections found in the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure Guidelines, or download the full report for more.                                                   


I. Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI)

II. Annexes

List of Figures 

List of Tables 

List of Boxes 


Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI)
Commercial Value Capture (CVC): CVC can be a way for governments to increase revenues to fund facility improvements,… more
Abbreviations for IRI Guidelines
Find a list of helpful terms used in the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure Guidelines, or download the Full Report… more
Executive Summary for IRI Guidelines
Increasingly, governments are looking for creative ways to pay for infrastructure, including through Land Value Capture… more
Overview and Structure of IRI Guidelines
The Guidelines are intended to be used by practitioners who are looking for innovative ways to address and reduce… more
Introduction to Commercial Value Capture (CVC)
In this section you will find more about the context of and the need for Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI),… more
Applying CVC in Infrastructure Projects
Governments should consider possible innovative funding opportunities during early planning processes (at program and… more
A roadmap for programmatic roll-out of CVC
Watch this space. The Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living… more
Annex for IRI Guide
The Guidelines are also supplemented with helpful resources. Annex 1 provides five generic Worked Examples which help… more
Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (Download… The Guidelines for applying Commercial Value Capture (CVC) in infrastructure projects have been designed to help and… more

The Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. They have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions

To find more, visit the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure section and the Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.  For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center at