Overview and Structure of IRI Guidelines
The Guidelines are intended to be used by practitioners who are looking for innovative ways to address and reduce infrastructure funding gaps (and therefore fiscal contributions/liabilities), diversify revenue sources from user fees, and/or help build a better business case for infrastructure projects (commercial value capture or CVC). Such interested parties include:
1. Planning agencies
2. Ministries of Economy and Finance
3. Central agencies responsible for managing Public Private Partnership (PPP) programs or PPP Units
4. Project owner(s) (“Project Owner(s)”) are defined for the purpose of this report as agencies or entities that have the right to develop and deliver public services including but not limited to:
· Infrastructure line ministries or agencies (e.g. the Ministry of Transport, Department of Transport, etc.)
· State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
· Specialised agencies responsible for infrastructure development such as those responsible for asset recycling programs, or special economic zone development
· Local governments
· Private developers
The Guidelines aim to inspire governments and Project Owners to identify CVC opportunities, and to provide a framework to implement CVC opportunities. They are intended to be aspirational and operational rather than detailed and exhaustive. Governments and Project Owners are encouraged to be creative and develop solutions suitable to each country and project context.
Structure of the Guidelines
Section 1 provides a background to the report, its intended purpose, as well as the limitations of the report.
Section 2 introduces the reader to the context of and the need for CVC, the role and potential of CVC in closing the funding gap, the role of government in streamlining CVC, potential CVC opportunities in infrastructure projects, and core principles to consider when applying CVC in projects.
Section 3 provides practical guidance for implementing CVC at the program- and project-level, a roadmap to roll out CVC programmatically across a portfolio of projects and recommendations for including CVC as part of the pre-feasibility and feasibility study.
The report includes three Annexes to provide additional resources to help practitioners apply CVC.
Annex 1 provides five generic Worked Examples which help demonstrate how The Guidelines can be applied to real-world projects. All Worked Examples presented in this report are hypothetically recreated solely for the purpose of demonstrating the concept of CVC.
Annex 2 100+ Case Summaries with examples of commercial value capture in various sectors, countries and CVC categories
Annex 3 provides recommendations in drafting ToRs for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.
To find more, visit the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure section and the Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.
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