
PPP Knowledge Lab : Highlights

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World Bank Guidance on PPP Legal Frameworks
This Guidance is intended for governments who wish to include public-private partnerships in their toolkit of methods… more
Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs This toolkit aims to address this precise challenge by embedding a climate lens and approach into upstream PPP advisory… more
COVID-19 and Public-Private Partnerships Practice…
Note 1 Assessing Operational PPP Portfolios This note discusses key operational considerations when trying to maintain… more
Global Infrastructure Outlook Forecasting…
The focus of GI Hub work is helping people act. GI Hub collaborates with the public and private sectors, acting as a… more
Leading Practices in Governmental Processes…
The reference tool reinforces conceptual aspects and approaches covering the formulation of infrastructure plans,… more
Reference guide: Output Specifications for…
This Reference Guide consists of two parts: Part A: Background information and lessons learned. Provides the… more
Reference Tool on Inclusive Infrastructure and…
The tool presents a framework which details six Action Areas, or themes, related to infrastructure development, and… more
PPP Risk Allocation Tool (2019)
The PPP Risk Allocation Tool 2019 Edition is the second edition of the guidance tool, with the first edition focused… more
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the…
Decades of high economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region have transformed its socioeconomic landscape – lifting a… more
DARP—Creating Distressed Assets Markets
Every financial system has faced or will face a crisis at some point. But even in the absence of a crisis, the… more
Prioritizing Infrastructure Investment: A…
Governments must decide how to allocate limited resources for infrastructure development, particularly since financing … more
World Bank Guarantees Program
The World Bank Guarantee Program aims to: Mobilize private investment (equity and debt) for strategic projects or… more
Global Guide to Community Engagement for PPPs
The draft Guide to Community Engagement for PPPs is open for public consultation to capture inputs and recommendations… more
Beyond the Gap: How Countries Can Afford the…
The report begins with a look at the complex relationship between infra- structure and growth and welfare, before… more
Realizing the Potential of Public–Private…
It shows how governments and their development partners can use PPPs to promote more inclusive and sustainable growth.… more
Reference Tool on Governmental Processes…
Project preparation is a critical enabler of infrastructure development and has been identified as a key pillar in the… more
Egypt: Enabling Private Investment and Commercial…
In 2016 the Government of Egypt has embarked on an ambitious and much needed transition towards a better economic… more
Rethinking Power Sector Reform
A nuanced picture emerges. While regulation has been widely adopted, practice often falls well short of theory; and… more
2018 Global Infrastructure Forum Agenda
The 2018 Global Infrastructure Forum (GI Forum) will build on the 1st GI Forum, which was established as part of the… more
Private Participation in Infrastructure in the…
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) investment in H1 2018, which stood at US$43.5 billion across 164 projects… more
The State of Infrastructure Public-Private…
Fragility, conflict, violence, and weak institutions are critical development challenges that haveaffected many… more
Investments in IDA Countries: Private…
This report analyzes trends in investment commitments in infrastructure projects with private sector participation in… more
Maximizing Finance for Development Website
Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) is the World Bank Group’s approach to systematically leverage all sources of… more
2017 Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI…
2017 Key Highlights In 2017, private investment commitments in energy, transport, ICT backbone and wa- ter… more
Procuring Infrastructure PPPs 2018
The report benchmarks the regulatory framework of 135 economies against international recognized good practices,… more
Contribution of Institutional Investors: Private…
This report provides a general overview of the projects that received financing from institutional investors and the… more
PPPs financed by the European Investment Bank…
This report covers a wide range of PPP transactions (e.g. design-build-finance- operate, design-build-finance-maintain… more
PPP Project Screening and Analytics Tool (PSAT) 2…
The World Bank's Infrastructure Finance, Public-Private Partnerships and Guarantees Global Practice (IPG) developed the… more
Country Guidance: Public-Private Partnerships for…
Delivery of public infrastructure and services is an important way through which developing countries in Asia and the… more
Recycling our Infrastructure for Future…
Asset Recycling is a fairly simple concept and consists of two critical steps. First, governments unlock the capital… more
Public-Private Partnership Monitor
The first edition of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Monitor tracks the development of the PPP business… more
Mobilizing Islamic Finance for Infrastructure PPPs
        Estimates show Shari'ah-compliant assets have grown exponentially in the past two… more
Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2017 Update:…
Growth prospects for developing Asia are looking up, bolstered by a revival in world trade and strong momentum in the… more
Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited…
This initiative includes three documents: Main Findings and Recommendations, that is considered as a summary;… more
Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions, 2017…
        The complexity of public-private partnership (PPP) transactions frequently means… more