Title: Private Participation in Infrastructure in the First Half of 2018

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: July 1, 2018

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Infrastructure Indicators, Knowledge Lab ***


Document Summary:

During the first half of 2018, private investment commitments in energy, transport, information and communication technologies (ICT) backbone, and water infrastructure in low and middle income countries totaled US$43.5 billion across 164 projects.

Document Details:

Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) investment in H1 2018, which stood at US$43.5 billion across 164 projects, marked an increase of seven percent from H1 2017 levels. It is still 13 percent lower than the 10-year H1 average investment level of US$49.9 billion. The increase over H1 2017 levels can be attributed to a rise in the number of road projects in China and Turkey, and an in- crease in investments in Vietnam, India, and South Africa. Number of projects also rose by six percent, from 154 in H1 2017 to 164 in H1 2018.

Investments in more countries and smaller projects. H1 2018 saw investments across 34 countries, which was higher than the five-year average of 30 countries, and similar to the number of countries with investment commitments in H1 2017 (35 countries). An increase in median project size and a decrease in average project size compared to 2017 indicates reduced investments in larger projects and more in smaller ones.

Updated: June 10, 2022