Title: Leading Practices in Governmental Processes Facilitating Infrastructure Project Preparation

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2019

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, PPPs by Topic *, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms **


Document Summary:

This Reference Tool on Governmental Processes Facilitating Infrastructure Project Preparation (or the ‘reference tool’ hereinafter) seeks to complement global initiatives in this regard and is structured as a guidance tool to support governments in implementing infrastructure projects and in their efforts to strengthen the building blocks for project preparation.

Document Details:

The reference tool reinforces conceptual aspects and approaches covering the formulation of infrastructure plans, project pipeline creation, feasibility evaluation, project reviews and approvals, project marketing and stakeholder communication, with the focus of the tool being on the stages of project preparation which occur prior to project procurement. A country-lens approach, involving a review and profiling of project preparation processes in 15 countries (which can be found in Appendix A), was adopted to identify and incorporate leading practices and lessons learned contained herein.

The reference tool is designed for use by policymakers and practitioners responsible for developing infrastructure projects. While it is aimed specifically at those involved in project preparation, it provides instructive lessons on a wider set of activities, including linkages with country-level infrastructure plans and project pipelines, and their prioritisation and screening, for a broader audience including other government officials, financial institutions and private infrastructure developers and contractors.

The reference tool will be a useful aid for governments in their quest to improve project preparation practices and their capacity for preparing bankable and sustainable projects, and to usher in universal delivery of infrastructure services and improved quality of living.