Title: Reference guide: Output Specifications for Quality Infrastructure
Language: English
Type: Document
Nature: Guidelines
Published: September 1, 2019
Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Keywords: Infrastructure Indicators, Knowledge Lab ***
Document Summary:
This particular guidance note is designed to assist governments and public sector asset managers in developing output specifications to deliver Quality Infrastructure, as defined by the G20 Leaders at the Hangzhou Summit in September 2016.
Document Details:
This Reference Guide consists of two parts:
Part A: Background information and lessons learned. Provides the background principles and assumptions used in the development of this Reference Guide, including a definition of Quality Infrastructure, a definition of a PPP, a description of an output specification, an overview of a process to develop an output specification and
a discussion on what makes a good output specification. This section also provides an overview of the methodology used to develop this Reference Guide and the case studies in Part B, and lessons learned and observations identified during the development of this Reference Guide.
Part B: Sector case studies and output specification examples. This section contains a suite of case studies, across a range of jurisdictions and sectors, to provide real world examples of output specifications that deliver Quality Infrastructure.
Updated: June 10, 2022