Title: Mobilizing Islamic Finance for Infrastructure PPPs

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Financing and Risk Mitigation **



Mobilizing Islamic Finance for Infrastructure PPPs (PDF)6.93 MB

Document Details:

Mobilizing Islamic Finance_0.JPG





Estimates show Shari'ah-compliant assets have grown exponentially in the past two decades, accumulating nearly $1.9 trillion and spreading across 50 Muslim and non-Muslim countries. Given the growth of Islamic finance and the fact that its underlying principles support socially inclusive and development-promoting activities, this report, funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), illustrates how Islamic finance has been applied in PPP infrastructure projects already, what the structural challenges and solutions are, and how we can maximize the use of Islamic finance to meet the huge infrastructure needs of developing countries. The report is a collaboration between the World Bank Group and the Islamic Development Bank.


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Updated: June 22, 2022