Popular Resources

Public–Private Partnerships in Education: Lessons…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span><span>By Allah Bakhsh Malik, Asian Development Bank 2010.… more

Pakistan: Standard Implementation Agreement for…

This section provides download link to Pakistan Standard Implementation Agreement for Standard Power Purchase Agreement.

Guidelines for early stages of development of…

<p>Draft guidance on early stage development of PPP in health sector in the Philippines - including guidance on… more

French Standard PPA for Small Installations/…

More related materials at Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Energy Purchase Agreements (EPAs). 

Climate Resilient Public Private Partnerships

A Toolkit for Decision Makers, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) May 2020 

Kenya Water Act 2002

This section provides links to download for Kenya Water Act 2002.

Managing Contingent Liabilities in Public-…

Managing Contingent Liabilities in Public- Private Partnerships - Practice in Australia, Chile, and South Africa by … more

Act on Public-Private Partnerships in…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Act on Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure and the <a href=… more

Afghanistan Telecommunications Services…

Website for Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA)

Accelerating the PPP Process and Reducing Costs:…

All of the parties involved in public-private partnership (PPP) transactions – including both governments and project… more

Guidelines and Checklists for Gender in Public-…

The draft contains guidelines and checklists together with training tools that are more tailored towards PPP projects, … more

Model Track Access Agreements - Network Rail

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Model Track Access Agreements&nbsp;</strong>provided by… more

Structurer les contrats de participation du…

Dans les pays en développement, les autorités publiques de l’eau doivent relever un redoutable défi : honorer leur… more

World Bank/ PPIAF: Handbook For Evaluating…

Find more related materials at Energy Law and Regulation. 

United Kingdom Treasury Guidance - Procurement…

This section provides documents pertaining to United Kingdom treasury guidance on procurement and contract management.