Title: PPPLRC 2018 Report

Author: Jenny Jing Chao, Victoria Delmon Rigby, Maria Agnes Subia Evaristo

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Region: Global

Country: Global-World

Topic: About

Keywords: About PPP **


Document Summary:

In 2018, the site continued to get high traffic, including 1,400,736 views over 596,584 unique visitors. Close to 210,000 visitors had an “interaction” with the site, such as downloading a document, or visiting multiple pages, and over 230 countries or regions were represented.


Document Details:

With regards to new content, 2018 saw the full launch of the Small-and-Medium Enterprises(SMEs) and PPPs page, which showcases legal frameworks, procurement criteria, contractual obligations, local content rules and promotion of SMEs by larger investors. 2018 also saw the release of a new Legal Issues in Pro-Poor PPPs section, which includes a discussion of different mechanisms to ensure that PPPs serve the poor, such as subsidies, pro-poor connection policies, output-based aid, innovations in billing and collecting, and ways to bring in community involvement. In recognition of increasing interest in PPPs in China, the PPPLRC translated several key sections into Chinese. Finally, the renewable energy section was significantly updated, and the information there will eventually comprise part of the upcoming section on Climate Smart PPPs.

Updated: October 25, 2021