Popular Resources

The Municipal Public-Private Partnership…

This module provides guidance on the preparation of a communication strategy for the implementation of municipal PPPs.

Intelligent Transport Systems - ITS - Toolkit for…

<p>in multiple European languages</p>

Federal on-site renewable power purchase…

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides project assistance to federal agencies interested in power… more

Water and Sanitation Lease - Example 1

Lease for operator to run water and wastewater services previously run by a municipality. Long-term lease. Prepared for… more

A Checklist for Public-Private Partnership…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Prepared by the Staff of the World Bank Group for the G20 Investment and… more

Tanzania: Standardized Tariff Methodology and…

This is one of three documents that define the Small Power Purchase Scheme in Tanzania for the Main Grid. 1.… more



Renewable Energy Toolkits

In this section, you'll find links to toolkits for evaluating and setting up public-private partnerships for… more

What do mothers-in-law and national PPP…

Most PPP structures are focused on national interests, governed by national laws, and coordinated by national PPP units… more

Change of Law - Checklist and Sample Wording

The change of law clause is a provision that may have a huge impact on the success of an infrastructure project and… more

Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament…

This Directive sets rules for the procurement procedures of works, supplies or services regarding public contracts as… more

EU Funds in PPPs - Project Stocktake and Case…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>EU Funds in PPPs -&nbsp;Project Stocktake and Case Studies, European PPP… more