Title: RFP and concession agreement for slaughter house in Uttar Pradesh, India

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2010

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: India

Keywords: Contract, Request for proposals


Document Details:


Municipal Corporation, Merrut, Uttar Pradesh (MCM) (and Govt of Uttar Pradesh (goUP)) request for proposals finance, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and operation & maintenance of the Modern Slaughterhouse having the slaughtering facility for sheep, goat and buffalo, complete with all services, equipment, piping, cabling, earth works including civil construction work, electrical work, Rendering-cum-Carcass Utilization Plant and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Chillers and climate controlled delivery vehicles. etc. on turnkey basis. The Project shall be partly funded by GOI and GoUP (through MCM) under Public Private Partnership Mode. As a part of its contribution, MCM will provide land required and adequate for the Project, at a distance of fifteen km from Meerut city, free from any hindrance along with free access for the construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed Project. Apart from above, a grant of Rs. 15.00 Crores from Ministry of Food Processing Industry (MFPI), Government of India may also be made available as per the provisions, provided the same is approved by GoI. MCM does not guarantee the MFPI disbursement, however all required assistance shall be extended to the Bidder for the GoI grant approval and disbursement.

The rest of the cost shall be arranged by the Selected Bidder from its own resources or through Bank Finance.

The Project is proposed to be awarded to such Bidder whose Bid is lowest in terms of Concession Period i.e. who undertakes to execute the Project completely, makes it fully functional after all the tests and trials, runs it for MCM and for its own use and hands it over back to the MCM, in the shortest time period, MCM being and remaining the owner of the Project during and after the Concession Period.

Concession Agreement has a number of features from the model concession agreement and is an example of good practice as it is clear and relatively concise.

Updated: August 25, 2020