Title: Model Track Access Agreements - Network Rail

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Rail



Freight Customer Model Contract (Track Access)833.45 KB

Document Details:

Model Track Access Agreements provided by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) regarding the main railway infrastructure in the United Kingdom that is managed and operated by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail).

  • Track Access Contract (Freight Services) - Model track access agreement between Network Rail and RU transporting freight (referred to as “Train Operator”). Network Rail grants the Train Operator permission to use the railway network on the terms and conditions of this contract.
  • Freight Customer Track Access Contract (Freight Customer Model Contract) - Model track access contract entered into between Network Rail and a Freight Customer (for example a logistics company) seeking to secure track access rights. If the Freight Customer is no Train Operator track access is granted to a railway operator on the basis of an additional Freight Operating Company Customer Track Access Contract
  • Freight Operating Company Customer Track Access Contract (Freight Customer Specific Track Access Contract for Freight Operators) - Model Contract between Network Rail and railway operator (referred to as “Operator”) transporting freight. Network Rail grants the Operator the right to use and provide services to the Freight Customer on the railway network on the terms and conditions of this agreement and the Freight Customer Track Access Contract.
  • Track Access Passenger Model Contracts - Model track access agreements between Network Rail and RU providing passenger services (referred to as "Train Operator"). Network Rail grants the Train Operator permission to use the railway network on the terms and conditions of this contract. 


Related Information: 

Track Access Agreements - European Union

Shared Use of Railway Tracks


Tracking References: 






Updated: March 27, 2021