Title: Australia: National Public Private Partnership Policy Framework

Languages: English

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Australia

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Parties, Financing and Risk Mitigation **, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Contract, Termination, PPP Options, Risk, Legal issues, Public Sector, Private Sector, Revenue Sources / Funding, Financing, PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Framework ***


Document Details:

This National PPP Policy (Policy) provides a consistent framework that enables public and private sectors to work together to improve public service delivery through private sector provision of public infrastructure and related services.
The objectives of the National PPP Policy Framework are to:
• encourage private sector investment in public infrastructure and related services where value for money for government can be clearly demonstrated;
• encourage innovation in the provision of infrastructure and related service delivery;
• ensure rigorous governance over the selection of projects for PPPs and the  competition for and awarding of contracts;
• provide a framework and streamlined procedures for applying PPPs across Australia; and
• clearly articulate accountability for outcomes.
AU. 2016b. National Public Private Partnership – Policy Framework. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. [#1325]

Updated: May 3, 2022