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Table of Contents for Disruption and PPPs

Find a full outline to contents, figures, tables, boxes and modules found on the Disruption and PPPs Section in PPPLRC, or download the full report for more.                                                   


PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption

Chapter 1 - Context and Aim

Chapter 2 -  Disruptive Technology, Infrastructure and PPPs

Chapter 3 - Enhancing "Innovation Resilience" and the Adoption of Disruptive Technology throughout the PPP Project Cycle

Chapter 4 - Case Studies

Chapter 5 - Conclusion and Next Steps


Appendix A - Examples of Disruptive Technologies and their Application to infrastructure

Appendix B - Disruptive Technology in the Energy Sector

Appendix C: Disruptive Technology in the Transport Sector

List of Figures 

Figure A.1: Share of New Electricity Capacity, 2001–2021

Figure A.2: Renewable Energy Components in Current NDCs 

Figure A.3: The Falling Cost of Renewable Energy

Figure A.4: Ride Sharing Market Size Worldwide in 2021 and 2026

List of Tables 

Table A.1: Fuel Shares of Primary Energy and Contributions to Growth in 2019

List of Boxes 

Box 1: The Rise of Renewables

Box 2: Coal Project Decommissioning and the Just Transition for All Framework

Box 3: Importance of Assessments that Account for Technological Changes: European Stranded Assets in the Utility Sector, 2010–2015

Box 4: Encouraging Innovation through Procurement: Alternative Technical Concepts (ATCs) in the United States

Box 5: Broadband PPP Project in Meurthe-et-Moselle, France: Importance of Award Criteria in the Face of Rapid Technological Change

Box 6: Pan Am Games Athletes’ Village in Canada

Box 7: United Kingdom: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) - Framework for Price Control Incentivizes Innovation

Box 8: Legitimate Expectations under the Energy Charter Treaty

Box 9: Japan- PPP Contracts Include Nuanced Force Majeure Definition Building on Experience from Previous Disasters

Box 10: Mandatory Insurance for Natural Disasters for PPPs in Chile

Box 11: Renegotiation of the United Kingdom National Air Traffic Services (NATS) PPP after Decline in Demand Due to 9/11 Terrorist Attacks


Disruption and PPPs
Disruptive technologies present extraordinary opportunities for progress, with cleaner, more efficient, and more… more

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