Climate Resilience and PPPs

Many risks associated with climate change will be felt hardest by lower income countries, as their ability to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change is limited. Against this background there is an urgent need for the development and finance of climate-smart infrastructure solutions. PPPs potentially provide a useful framework under which the public and private sectors can pool and coordinate their financial and technological resources more efficiently.

PPP Contracts in an Age of Disruption

Disruptive technologies present extraordinary opportunities for progress, with cleaner, more efficient, and more resilient infrastructure services. These opportunities should be seized and celebrated. However, changes from the status quo create pain points that must be carefully managed, in particular when long-term PPP contracts are structured based on a financial model on which financing relies. Unraveling such commitments has proven contentious and difficult.

The increasing number of global disruption raises many questions;

Energy Transition (unpublished)

The energy transition is the process of shifting the global energy system away from the consumption of fossil fuels and toward low-carbon technologies in order to support international goals of limiting climate change.The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Reports (CCDRs) are a core diagnostic that integrates climate change and development, to help countries prioritize the most impactful actions that can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and boost adaptation and resilience, while delive

World Energy Transitions Outlook 2022

In Paris in 2015, signatories to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change agreed to pursue efforts to try to limit the rise in global temperatures by 2050 to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The World Energy Transitions Outlook presents a pathway to that goal, one that decarbonises all end uses, with electrification and energy efficiency as primary drivers, enabled by renewables, green hydrogen and sustainable modern bioenergy.

Why augmented reality will increase safety and efficiency in utility sector

AR is a technology that superimposes digital information and media, such as 3D models and videos, upon the real world through Smartphone, tablet, PC, or connected glasses.

AR can be defined as a live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented or overlaid by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.

Public-Private Partnerships in Puerto Rico, Key Points

Historically, there has been vigorous debate among the residents of Puerto Rico for and against the privatization of public property and public services. The public-private partnership (P3 or P3s) model established by the Public-Private Partnership Act of 2009, as amended (the P3 Act) and its Regulation for the Procurement, Evaluation, Selection, Negotiation and Award of Public-Private Partnership Contracts are gaining acceptance as a tool for meeting Puerto Rico’s infrastructure needs.