Title: PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption (Download PDF version)

Language: English

Type: Publication

Nature: Guidelines

Published: September 1, 2022

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Disruptions and PPPs

Keywords: Disruption and PPPs **, Contractual Provisions


Document Summary:

PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption examines how disruptive technologies impact public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure; what this means for the management of existing PPP contracts; and how better partnerships can be created—ones that are more resilient to such changes, as well as flexible enough to encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors in order to allow implementation of innovative technologies.

The Report addresses these questions systematically by (i) defining disruptive technologies and their potential impacts on infrastructure projects and PPP contracts; (ii) outlining different policy options during the project development phase that encourage private sector adoption of innovative technology while improving resilience towards technological disruption; and (iii) discussing considerations for PPP contract management as well as future contracts to embed flexibility that allows for the integration of new technologies and accounts for technology disruptions that will inevitably occur.


Document Details:

PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption includes the following sections:

1.     Context and Aim of the Report

2.     Disruptive Technology, Infrastructure and PPPs

3.     Enhancing “Innovation Resilience” and the Adoption of Disruptive Technology throughout the PPP Project Cycle

4.     Case Studies 

5.     Conclusion and Next Steps



Updated: May 30, 2024

  • Disruption and PPPs

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    Watch this space. The Disruption and PPPs section is based on the Report "PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption" and will be reviewed at regular intervals. Visit the Content Outline and let us know what you think by taking a Quick Survey.


  • Executive Summary for Disruption and PPPs

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    The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth on the PPPLRC. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided on the PPPLRC, please get in touch here



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    Watch this space. The Disruption and PPPs section is based on the Report "PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption" and will be reviewed at regular intervals. Visit the Content Outline and let us know what you think by taking a Quick Survey.


  • Context and Aim of Disruptions and PPPs

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    The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth on the PPPLRC. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided on the PPPLRC, please get in touch here





    Banner Notice

    Watch this space. The Disruption and PPPs section is based on the Report "PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption" and will be reviewed at regular intervals.

     Let us know what you think by taking a Quick Survey.