Title: Road Concession Risk Matrix

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Transportation

Topics: Tools

Keywords: Risk, Risk matrix, Road, Concession, Transport, PPPs for Transport **


Road Concession Toll Road Risk Matrix 244 KB, Road Concession Toll Road Risk Matrix455.23 KB

Document Summary:

This risk matrix looks at generic risk allocation in projects rather than on a specific or a quantitative basis. The allocation of risk is based upon a review of a number of road projects which review considered issues on a country specific basis taking into account the law, practice, customs and economics associated with the project and the country. The risks are common to many of the projects reviewed (and many others) but the solutions adopted will be case specific.

Document Details:

The purpose of the analysis is to inform users of the World Bank Infrastructure and Law Web-Site of the key risks associated with Road Projects and to form the basis of addressing those risks in the Concession Agreement. The groupings of risk have been synthesized from a larger set of risks.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Transport.

Image by Pixabay

Page Disclaimer:

This document has been prepared for the purposes of the PPP Legal Resource Center. It is a checklist for general guidance purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice for a project.

Updated: October 1, 2021