Title: Technical Note 3: How to Appoint and Manage Advisers to PFI Projects

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topics: Tools

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Feasibility study


Technical Note 3: How to Appoint and Manage Advisers to PFI Projects66.69 KB

Document Summary:

This note is the third in a series of papers to be issued by the Treasury Taskforce providing practical guidance on key technical issues which arise from the implementation of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Each note focuses on a specific area of the procurement process where experience has shown that project managers value assistance.

Document Details:

This note is designed to assist public sector bodies to improve procurement of the right advisory support at the right time. It is advisory rather than mandatory, providing guidance on good practice. However, Accounting Officers may wish to take the guidance into account in accordance with their responsibilities on value for money. 

It should be read in conjunction with the complementary HM Treasury Procurement Group publication "Appointment of Consultants and Contractors" (Procurement Guidance No.3), as well as any other relevant material such as sector specific or departmental guidance.

Updated: March 22, 2021