Title: Tolling policy for 91 Express Lanes in Orange County, California

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: North America (NA)

Country: United States

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Road


Document Details:

OCTA uses congestion management pricing to establish tolls for the 91 Express Lanes. OCTA also created "Three Ride Free" as a separate toll policy to encourage carpooling on the 91 Express Lanes.

The toll policy goals are:

  • Provide customers a safe, reliable, predictable commute.
  • Optimize throughput at free-flow speeds.
  • Increase average vehicle occupancy.
  • Balance capacity and demand, thereby serving both full-pay customers and carpoolers with three or more people who are offered discounted tolls.

  • Generate sufficient revenue to sustain the financial viability of the 91 Express Lanes.

The effect of the toll policy has been an increase in customer usage with sufficient revenue to pay all expenses and also provide seed funding for general freeway improvements. Revenues generated by the toll lanes stay on the SR-91 corridor, a significant departure from past practices. Under the previous owner's agreement with Caltrans, a "non-compete" provision restricted adding more capacity to the SR-91 corridor until 2030. When OCTA purchased the lanes, it opened the door for new improvements on SR-91 by eliminating the non-compete provision.

As tolls change, OCTA notifies customers in advance via on-road variable message signs, website updates and e-mail. If you would like e-mail notification of future changes and your e-mail address is not on file with us, please contact the 91 Express Lanes Customer Service Center at (951) 278-9191 or go to "My Account: Update Account Information" to submit your e-mail address. If you have any questions, please contact the 91 Express Lanes Customer Service Center.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Transport.

Related Information: 

PPPs in Roads 

Tracking Number: 

91 Express Lanes_2003_English

Updated: October 25, 2021